Two weeks ago, Miss Daisy took a trip to sunny Orlando, Florida for our first regional competition. On Thursday afternoon, the team (minus the drive crew) went to Disney World for a day full of [...]
Below are a few results from the Florida Regional Competition: Florida Regional Semi-finalist 18th place out of 59 teams 5 wins, 5 losses 2nd pick in the Playoff draft
Every season has its struggles, and this year was certainly no exception. From cutting extruded, to doing and redoing electrical boards, to repeatedly breaking our robot in testing, to shattering [...]
In an effort to create more unique content for our website, Team 341’s media team decided to conduct two “alumni spotlight” videos for the alumni section of our website. The [...]
At the end of week five, I must say that I am exhausted! We all are. However, there are two more weeks to go in build (one until shipping) and all of the projects that have been going on in the [...]
Miss Daisy’s Garden A Haiku, By Kevin B. Miss Daisy’s Garden In Here, Knowledge Is Blooming Here, We Build People It’s week five now, and with the animation due in a week, everything [...]
Build season is in full motion, and this is one of the most productive build seasons I remember from my four years on Team 341, despite the numerous snow days we’ve had to cope with. Keeping up [...]