During the weekend of the March 18th, Miss Daisy traveled to Springside Chestnut Hill Academy to compete in our second district event of the season. Going into this competition, students were reminded to “stay hungry” in an effort to keep their motivations high throughout the weekend… and stay hungry we did.
We began the weekend with our Impact Team presenting for what would unfortunately be the last time of the season. Although we did not go home with a physical award, the work that was integrated into this project is enough of a reward. Our amazing Impact crew had accomplished what they had set out to do: document our team’s successes in outreach and beyond for the past three years. In doing so, they uncovered exciting and rewarding facts and stories about our team, which upcoming Impact presenters can use in years to come.

Our spirit leaders encouraging us to “stay hungry”
On Saturday, we played eight qualification matches, six of which were triumphant for Team 341. Our cheers were no doubt the loudest in the stands as our calls to “STAY HUNGRY” rang through the stands. Our pit crew stayed focused and our drive team stayed determined and by the end of the day, we were the 4th seed. On Sunday, we were ready to climb the rankings. With each win, we exploded with even more energy. Ultimately, we won every single qualification match of the day, landing us in the 2nd seed just in time for alliance selection. The intricate work of our pit crew and the laser focus of our drive team led us to be in such a high ranking.

Our robot lined up with our alliance partners, 9027 and 2539.
During alliance selection, we were invited by the number one seed, Team 2539, Krypton Cougars, to become an alliance. We graciously accepted their invitation and eagerly awaited our turn to invite a third team to join our alliance. We decided to invite the 28th seed, Team 9027, PATH to Domination, to join us. They accepted and we immediately started strategizing what our elimination matches would look like.
After dominating our way through the first two elimination matches, we eventually faced the 2nd alliance. Their exceptionally-assembled alliance was neck and neck with ours the entire match, but ultimately beat us by just four points, leading us to the lower bracket. Although we didn’t have as much of a safety net anymore, our drive team kept a level head and we climbed our way back up to the finals. This is where we would meet the 2nd alliance yet again. Nervous because of our previous loss, we were ecstatic to find out that we won our first finals match by just three points! But the fight wasn’t over yet. We had just a fifteen-minute break and then we’d have to face the 2nd alliance once again to see if we would go home with a blue banner, or have to play them in a tie-breaker. While all Daisy members were holding their breath, the stands then roared in excitement when we saw that the final score of the match was 138 to 66, and Miss Daisy had won the Springside Chestnut Hill Academy Competition for the second year in a row.

The stands burst alive with energy!
However, this wasn’t the only victory of the weekend. Our team also went home with the Excellence in Engineering Award. This award celebrates robots that have an elegant and advantageous machine function. Our consistency throughout qualification matches was one of the main reasons why judges decided we were worthy of this amazing achievement.

Our second Springside Chestnut Hill win in a row!
All in all, Miss Daisy had such an amazing and successful weekend and we’ll continue to “stay hungry” for the upcoming Mid-Atlantic District Championship at Lehigh University.