Order of one Escargot with a side of Rotoclimb please!
It’s been busy in the shop this week!
On Sunday, we tested our ballpath, but realized we needed to fix the geometry of it. On the brightside, we found out that our escalator was successful!
Tuesday was THE big day however. The words, “We got movement!” echoed through the FabLab as kids raced to our mock-hanger bars to test our prototypes. Our breaths were held as we watched the prototypes we’ve dedicated the past two weeks to come to fruition.
As it turned out, both prototypes of the hanger, the Rotoclimb and the Telescope, both held up pretty well during the test hang. To pick between which hanger and which ballpath mechanisms we wanted, we assembled in the FabLab and mapped out a pros and cons list of the mechanisms. After an hour-long discussion, we decided to pursue the Rotoclimb and Escargot mechanisms, solidifying the robot we plan to build for competition.
Behind the scenes, the programming team has made leaps and bounds! Eadyn, our programming captain, has said, “Compared to other years, we’re really ahead!” They finished their autonomous path and are already setting up code for other subsystems! Thanks to their code, we’re now able to orbit around the hub! Next week, their goal is to continue working on vision.
But before we take our seats and get ready for your order, let’s not forget about the media team! They uploaded their first vlog and have already launched into putting together the next one. Be sure to check it out on our YouTube Channel!
With all of our pneumatic, battery, and pinion orders sent in, we’re getting ready to throw together a master dish!