Miss Daisy to Visit the White House

To the Supporters of Team 341:

On Friday the White House announced that they will hold a National Science Fair on Monday, October 18th to showcase the champions of various competitions from around the country. This event honors a pledge that President Obama made to the science community during a speech he delivered on November 23rd, 2009. (see links below)

Because Team 341 won the 2010 World Championship Chairman’s Award, we have received and accepted an invitation to the White House for Monday October 18th.

While the details of the event are still developing, it is our understanding that FIRST® will have an Exhibit Booth which will include members of the FLL®, FTC®, and FRC® programs. The event will be held in the East Room of the White House and the President will move between several exhibits asking students questions about their projects. The President will then make a speech about STEM education that will include all invited guests as audience members. The event is supposed to begin at 10 AM and be over by 1 PM.

As you may know the 2010 Chairman’s Award was not won in a single year nor by a single group of students, but is only possible through the combined efforts of many people and organizations. Please take pride in the fact that you have helped to bring this tremendous honor to the team. We sincerely thank you for all you have done to enable our students to achieve their dreams.

Below are links that further explain the event.

Official White House Press Release, Friday October 18th
Video of November Announcement Speech Short Version (2 Minutes)
Video of November Announcement Speech Long Version (18 minutes)

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